“Sunday, May 5th was a beautiful day for a wonderful cause,” says Sharon Horton, who was leading a team hiking in memory of her husband Jim at the annual Hike for Hospice. “My family is eternally grateful for the comfort and care we received in our time of need. With continued community support other families will be taken care of when they need it the most.”
Jim Horton passed away at Huron Hospice Residence in November last year. He had a sense of humour that brought laughter wherever he went. A team of his family and friends gathered pledges and hiked in his memory, raising $3,259 and earning the prize as top fundraising team. Team Horton will enjoy a pizza party courtesy of Boston Pizza in Goderich. There were 17 teams in total, and 207 individual hikers, many of whom were hiking in memory of someone special.
June Robinson, aged 92 years young, was the top individual fundraiser, raising $1,340 and hiking the Lobb Trail in support of Huron Hospice. June wins an outdoor fireplace table donated by Canadian Tire.
All together, participants collected over $38,600 in pledges with all proceeds going to support Huron Hospice, as they hiked the Lobb Trail outside Holmesville.
The crowd gathered afterwards at Bill and Joan Crawford’s home (just down the road from Lobb Trail) for a BBQ pork dinner, Huron County style, with the pig generously donated by Barb and Wayne Fear. Transportation between the Crawford’s home and the Lobb trail was made easier by Murphy Bus Lines who donated a van and driver for the day. The Lobb family, and their large network of friends, worked hard to ensure the trail was ready for the big hike. Coffee and juice was donated by the local McDonald’s restaurant, and parts of the meal were provided at cost by local businesses; Fairholme Dairy and Jerry Raider’s. Snipity the Clown also donated her services. Many thanks to all the volunteers who gave so much of their time and skill to make this event the success it was, and of course, to all of the hikers who chose to hike in support of Huron Hospice.
Proceeds from this event will be used to support all programs at Huron Hospice, including grief and bereavement services, support groups, and the Huron Hospice Residence which had its grand opening exactly one year prior, at Hike for Hospice 2018. Since opening doors at the residential hospice, 49 individuals have received hospice care and support continues for the families grieving their loss.
“It’s all about the care, and making moments matter” remarks Jay McFarlan, Co-Chair of the Board at Huron Hospice, “having compassionate care at the end-of-life helps families just like Jim’s, to celebrate life. I am proud of our community for coming together to support our wonderful resource. While the government provides some funds towards our operations, it’s up to our community to find the funds and makeup the shortfall.”
The next big event will be Handbags for Hospice on May 23rd at Knights of Columbus Hall in Goderich. It’s an evening of lively entertainment, sharing stories and, of course, handbags auctioned in support of hospice. For event information and tickets check event listings at www.huronhospice.ca